Helpful Tips for Adult Children

Heart 2 Heart 4 Seniors Helps Make Tough Decisions Easier

Deciding to have a conversation with your parent regarding assisted living, navigating benefits and their future plans in general regarding the rest of their life can be daunting and even awkward. Being realistic about current and future needs takes a realistic approach with a healthy dose of optimism on the side.

As you expand your knowledge of what is available to you so that you may help your elderly parent, it becomes less intimidating and much less scary than you thought initially. The experts at Heart 2 Heart 4 Seniors have the information and solutions to help you make an educated and compassion plan for the future for both your parent and you and your family.

With our help, you can choose a community that your parent will want to call home. One that you and your family can rest assured that they will be well cared for and fits their individual needs and lifestyle.

  • Do you feel it may be time to consider making a change?
  • Do you worry that you are having to remind your mom to take her medications or do you see the bottles are untouched?
  • Is your dad finding that maintaining the home is becoming increasingly more difficult?
  • Has food shopping, preparation and disposal becoming an issue?
  • Does your parent constantly need transportation to run errands, get to doctor’s appointments or constant help around the house with daily tasks or necessary chores?
  • Are they becoming more forgetful than usual and you are worried that potential injury is a possiblity?

There are so many options & so much paperwork to navigate!

The transition from a home your parents lived in for many years to a new environment may trigger difficult emotions for everyone. Adult children may feel uncertain about suggesting major life decisions to mom & dad and aging parents may feel like a burden or deny that they are ready to make a transition at all. These feelings are natural and it is important to understand where they are coming from, how to manage them and how to move forward with these big life decisions.

Contact us today so that we may get to know you and your parents. We are here with you throughout the process and together, we will find the best place for them to set down new roots so they may begin to enjoy the next phase of life happy and confident.

Heart 2 Heart 4 Seniors Also Offers Assistance With Government Health Programs

In addition to offering home solutions for seniors, Heart 2 Heart 4 Seniors also has experts to assist you in navigating complex government health programs. Medicare, Medicaid and the VA Pension Program are hard earned benefits and you have every right to maximize everything they offer. That being said, these programs are complex and can seem convoluted. Our professionals are well versed in these programs and are waiting to show you how to cut through the red tape and use these services to their full potential.